For Educators

A little bit about your hosts. 

We are both former educators having taught in public schools in multiple states.  Alan (Dr. B.) earned his doctoral degree in education and completed his 30 year teaching career as an instructional guide for an Expeditionary Learning/Outward Bound school. Jenni (Mrs. B.) holds a masters degree in education and was a lead instructor at an Expeditionary Learning/Outward Bound school. As a team, we have lead multiple expeditions with groups of students into the natural setting. During these expeditions we collaborated with the Department of Natural Resources to research native and invasive species. Our students also helped develop solutions to invasive species problems. Our goal in moving to Maine was to open a nature center that educates and excites students to the natural wonders found in the Maine woods.

Our future goals include offering workshops and  team building opportunities to educators and corporate staff. Also, as we are both veterans of the US military, we hope to offer retreats to veterans in the near future.  

What to Expect

When students visit 4 Peaks, they will begin with an inquiry based introduction to the woods and the woodland creatures that they may see along the trail. Before we begin our exploration, they will learn about safety for themselves and nature. The distance and learning opportunities are based on the students' ages and curricular suggestions of their respective teachers. 

Interested in a visit to 4 Peaks Into Nature with your students? We would like to talk with you about the learning stations along the trail and how they correspond to your standards. We can shape the experience to fit your curricular needs, so please contact us and we can further discuss this learning opportunity.

Thank you,

Alan and Jenni Beaulieu