About the Artist

Meet Dr. Alan Beaulieu, PhD

As an educator for over thirty years, I have always incorporated in my teachings the beauty and benefits of art. We live in a visual world that envelopes our lives with breathtaking views provided we take the time to enjoy them. My passion for art arose from my upbringing in the woods of central Maine. As a boy, I took daily adventures through the forest with sketchbook and pencil in hand attempting to capture the wonders that Mother Nature created and recreated daily. This passion guided my classroom practices and provided my students with an additional medium in which to share their talents. My art has evolved through the years and currently, I am taken back to my roots through artwork. I spend much of my time in search of places that take my breath away and renew my love of nature. I utilize multiple types of paint and sources in the creation of my work including watercolor, ink, and  acrylic. I also, on occasion, use nature’s resources to obtain the desired effects in my creations. My philosophy of art has always been to use whatever is necessary to emulate the art found in nature. Most of my creations are of places found throughout Maine and other pieces are a freestyle rendition of those places. I especially enjoy creating works of art that are from other’s photographs of their favorite places. I hope these pieces call to you as they call to me and give you a sense of peace and gratitude for the  wondrous world I respectively refer to as Mother Nature’s canvas.

